Sunday 1 April 2007

Sunny Manchester...

The great Mark Twain wrote that he would like to die in Manchester, because the transition between Manchester and death would be so small as to be hardly noticeable.


Amir Hossein Nikzad said...

it was so funny Tim
just 1 thing:
"would be so small as to be hardly noticeable"
using as in this part...
i don't know is it correct?
tell me the grammer point please

Tim Powell-Jones said...

I'm guessing here but I think the structure is:

so [adj] as to be... [adverb + adj] or [noun clause]

It's a very old fashioned but quite nice construction...

So tall as to be almost a giant
So intelligent as to be nearly a genius
So thin as to be hardly visible

Be very careful about using it though as it's easy to make mistakes with!