Monday 23 April 2007

Online Debate 0717

Although I want to base these on the week's topic if you have any suggestions for debate questions then please let me know and I'll put them up for the class. This week, a short and simple question...

Is the Internet dangerous?

Every week it seems there is a story in the newspapers about the dangers of the internet, abuse of chatrooms, viruses, identity theft and the infringement of copyright on books and music are just some of the problems the internet has created. Are these real dangers? Or are people just scared of new technology? What can governments do to try and 'police' the internet?


Amir Hossein Nikzad said...

I think internet is similar to knife!!!Is knief dangerous? Yes? No? It depends on the person who hold it. If you see the knife in the hands of a 2-year-old boy you'll probably shout: "HEEEEY THAT'S DANGEROUS" but if you go to your kitchen and shout to your mother: "put the knife on the table it's DANger..." mmmmmm you are crazy...
I think internet ,like many of other modern things, is a mixture of danger and usefullness(I am not sure about this word HELP ME TIM!!!)
Things like airplanes, trains, even cars and...

Tim Powell-Jones said...

'usefulness' is perfectly acceptable English provided you spell it with one 'l'. It does sound a little strange though so paraphrasing your sentence might be a good idea...

THE internet, like many other modern things, can be useful but at the same time dangerous.

It is good style to think of different ways of saying things when a word, although technically correct, seems out of place.

Some nice phrases to use in a debate like this...

In the wrong hands
e.g. In the wrong hands knives can be dangerous

On one hand... On the other hand...
e.g. The internet is an amazing resource full of information, but on the other hand much of this information is inaccurate. On this topic, here's an interesting new word....

wikiality n. Reality as defined by a consensus, particularly in a collaborative endeavor such as Wikipedia. Also: Wikiality. [Blend of Wikipedia and reality.]

Example Citations:
"Wikiality," from populist Online encyclopedia, Wikipedia, means reality as determined by majority vote (as when scientists voted to stop treating Pluto as a planet).
—"From the mouths of fake journalists," San Jose Mercury News, August 28, 2006

This and many other new and made-up words that may not be in your dictionary can be found here...

Interesting site

Amir Hossein Nikzad said...

thanks Tim
I think they'll be much useful

Abu 7ala said...

Yes, the internet is dangerous !
No, the internet is not dangerous !
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Internt using is the only judge for its dangerous or not ?

Yes,it's full with uncontrolled thinks and ideas !
But,it's full with useful information,services and comunications!
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The only way to use this thechnology and gain alot of its benefits is by watching and try to control ourselves first and then people who we are responsible for , while using the internet. Alot of softwares "program" are produced for that purpose, it may help !
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It's hard to ignore or keep ourselves away from such source of a medium and modern science,to use it for increasing our knowledge and saving our time "and some time our money ;)" , just because it's kinde of a dangerous !