Monday 9 April 2007

Online Debate 0715

Every week I am going to post a debate question related to our unit on my blog. I think it will be really good reading and writing practice if all students try and contribute. If you want to create your own blog then go to, if you don't want a blog but want to comment on mine then you can comment anonymously.

The Rules:
No personal insults.
Respect other people's opinions.
Write in English only.

I will not correct your English on here but please try and make your meaning clear!

This week's question:

Is religion still important and relevant to modern society? Why or why not?


Amir Hossein Nikzad said...

I am the first one... :)
ok let's start
yes it's important
modern life seprated people from each other and freinds that used to go outdoors together now sit at their desk and use their "personal" computers.
with this distance people are more alone today and a big free space apear in everyone's life that we need to fill it with something, something special something reliable and something...
what do you think about this?
you think we can fill it with some ordinary relationships or dating or things like that...
no i don't think so i think there is nothing more trustable and reliable than God that you can make relationship with him just by your heart
you need nothing, just pure feeling and being honest with yourself
noone can trust on relationships that he\she has with his wife\husband , girl\boyfreind , or the ordinary freinds but there is one thing that you can always rely on
That's God

Luis GarcĂ­a S. said...

I think that Religion is still very important, at least for the people of my country, because many decitions that the government does are based in rules of the society, and the majority of the society in Mexico are based in the Catholic rules.

I believe that in the future, Religion will be still important, but maybe it will be not practice by many.

Mostly, I'm talking about Catholic Religion, and in Mexico.


Amir Hossein Nikzad said...

For other ones who may be intrested in weblogs
see also:

MexicanGirl said...


I consider that one of the most important things in life is having faith. It does not matter if we are part or not of a modern society or a 'first class' world.

I agree with Amir that modern life is separating people from each other, from a real human-to-human touch. But something is true: technology is changing the way we are in touch, we work, we comunicate, we learn, and even the way the religion is spread around the world.

I consider religion must exist, it does not matter if we are or not in modern times. I believe, one thing is true: religion must 'evolution'with society, and it does not matter which religion is, the important issue is that every religion does not lose its essence, because at least, religion is an important part of every culture.

But it seems to me, that the following situation is happening: more modern and cosmopolitan is a society, weaker is the sense or 'need' of having a religion, and also to believe in the existence of a superior being (called God, or the name is more significative for you).


Abu 7ala said...
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Abu 7ala said...
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Abu 7ala said...

I think yes,

..Religion has always been relevant (or important or destructive)because it has to be relevant in that so many people are influenced by it.In the world some people believe in a religion where they found out their socitey's rules and policies which they'll follow ,
Where some of them liveing it !!

So,If others think it's not still important that connection or relevant religion to their modern societies today,,,,,,,,,,


.. In my country,religion is important and still relevant to our society.

Anonymous said...

I think religion is still important and relevant to modern society although I have no religions.
In modern society, people used to look for help from private psychologist to solve problems of their mind. But sometimes psychologist just can listen to you and give you some advice, you must suffer it by yourself. At the moment people who have a religion usually get strength or encouragement from their religion.
They can feel relaxed and hopeful through praying or other religious activities. It's another good treatment for people. So I still think religion is important and relevant to modern society.

Amir Hossein Nikzad said...

If I continue to wriye something here it hust has two reasons:
1. I realy realy realy like to dicuss with others("who" or "what about" are not important I just like to chalenge it's in my blood... my freinds know this just ask them)
2. I have nothing to do now

first i like to talk about the modern life without concidering religion:
what is modern life?why we have modern lives?and questions like this
Modern systems that discussed mostly in philosephy is a punctual structures that everything is managed in them
in the first view it is fantastic if we can have a system like this but problem starts when the structure mutate againts its creator and wants to put human in a place between all managable things, in other words little by little human becomes a part of the modern structure and this fact has a deep contradictory with men spirit.
if we look at ourselves as nuts in the system's hands we realise that we ruled by many things that we don't want them we have no way to escape from this monster that was grone by our hands

getting back to our discussion it's good if we change manythings and remove our problems with technology and the abilities that we can get from modern life but we shouldn't let technology to change us and our belifes
Modern life never can fill the big free space of God and religion in one's spirit even if he doesn't think about it and abuse himself by using drugs and alcohol.