Monday 30 April 2007

0718 You Are The Jury...

Susan Polk - Guilty or Not Guilty?
On Trial For Murdering Her Husband, Frank Polk.

Susan Polk is facing trial on first-degree murder charges in the death of her 70-year-old wealthy husband, Frank (Felix) Polk. The prominent Berkeley psychologist was found with five stab wounds in the pool house at the couple's upscale San Francisco home in 2002. Polk claims she stabbed him in self-defense.
All the details of the case can be found here:
This is a real life court case currently being contested in America.

Questions for you...
Do you think Susan Polk is guilty, not guilty or not guilty by reason of insanity of 1st degree murder. If she is guilty what do you think would be an appropriate sentence? In this case it is important to recognise the difference between 1st and 2nd degree murder...


Amir Hossein Nikzad said...

Hi Tim
first Thank you for checking my weblog and your really useful comment...
then about this case, I think it's very hard to decide but i think she atleast coulden't be a first degree murderer. If she just had wanted her husband's money, she could've killed him many years ago. So why she lived with him 20 years? I think her sons that want her to be guilty look after the money but she... i don't think so.

Abu 7ala said...

According to their first relationship .. " She claims they first had sex when he drugged and raped her at age 15 ".. a five stab wounds in the pool house at the couple's upscale San Francisco home in 2002,is a kinde of revenge and self defense!...
by the way , she is guilty ;)

Anonymous said...

revenge and self-defense are two very different things!

Anonymous said...

I think it's very difficult to decide if she is or not guilty...because in my opinion she is just crazy. She is guilty to be mentally ill. The sentence is not appropriate because after 16 years in prison, she'll be always ill. Maybe she must see a therapist in the same time.

Abu 7ala said...

Hi Tim .. !#
yes you are right !! and it is another silly mistake ;) !
I ment:
" .. it's a kinde of revenge OR self defense ! .. "
soory Tim again and thnx ;)

Abu 7ala said...

soory = sorry !

Claudia Valencia said...

Hi Tim,
I think the same like the others, is very difficult to decide if she is or not guilty.
I think she is guilty because she has mental problems, so she needs a especial treatment and she needs to be in a lunatic asylum not in prision.