Wednesday 9 May 2007

Online Debate 0719 - Listening In

This week's statement for debate is this:

Due to growing danger from international terrorism it is important that governments monitor what people are doing closely in order to maintain a safe society. Things like CCTV, ID cards, microphones and telephone bugs are vital to let them do this.

articles to help you...,,1542336,00.html


Amir Hossein Nikzad said...

I knoe that terrorism is an international problem and governments should do something against it but to be honest i personali don't like if someone spy my personal calls and letters and...
I think in some cases governments abuse the name of terrorism to do their own bussineses
Who is terrorist? Where are Terrorists? Please show me except ones in tv and newspapers
I dont want to deny it BUT... IN SOME CASES... YOU KNOW

Anonymous said...

I agree. The article in The Guardian describes some technology and measures as 'Orwellian'. In his book 1984 George Orwell describes a government that keeps its citizens under control by (amongst many other methods) creating an imaginary war against an imaginary country to keep people afraid and in need of security. Sound familiar?

The threats of terrorism and crime do exist and it is difficult to strike the correct balance between freedom and absolute safety.

However, a nice analogy I heard once is that taking people's rights and freedoms away is a bit like cooking a frog in a saucepan of water... If you heat it up too quickly the frog realises what is happening and jumps out. If you keep turning the heat up very slowly though, the frog doesn't notice what's happening until it's too late and you have lovely boiled frog for dinner!

Amir Hossein Nikzad said...

cooking a frog in a saucepan of water

It was nice
I agree with that...