Friday 30 March 2007

some stuff....

hmm... Since I've asked my students to keep up a blog I guess I should do one too. If you notice any spelling or grammar mistakes then feel free to point them out!

Not sure what I should write about as this week I haven't been doing much. My girlfriend is sick so we've spent pretty much all our time sitting around, doing nothing and watching Battlestar Galactica. Sad, I know. Because I've had do do a lecture in school this week I've found it interesting researching the history of the cold war and the influence of nuclear weapons on the last 60 years or so of our history. It's strange being able to go on a website like youtube and find original footage of nuclear tests and presidential speeches from the 1960s. I particularly enjoyed watching the 'Protect and Survive' series of films designed to be shown in Britain in the event of a nuclear attack and finding out more about the Cuban Missile Crisis. Despite doing a degree in history there was still a lot I didn't know!

Hopefully this weekend I will get to do at least one of the following things:

A. See 300.
B. Get out of Manchester in my van.
C. Go out in town and get disgracefully drunk in a bar in the Northern Quarter.
D. Play some music
E. Chillax (chill + relax = chillax)


Amir Hossein Nikzad said...

hi Tim
have a nice weekend...
i didn't know you are a bassplayer.
i love it you should learn me how to play...
good luck
see you-monday i think

Luis GarcĂ­a S. said...

Normally, I don't do anything during the week because it's suppost that I have to save money for my trips, BUT, if you go to the PUB, give me a call, cause I needed! Jajajajaja.

I recommend you to see the movie 300, is very cool!!!

Good luck!!!